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Still All Too Fresh  / Kev Fansler (Friend)

wow look at all the love that seems to come from everywhere! it is really comforting in knowing that so many people sincerely care. no one could have foreseen this. if only we could spend more time sincerely caring instead of avoiding and acting as if our time here isn't precious. bobbo man i'm so damn sorry! i prayed the other night for the first time in 3 years. you, and your family were in my prayers. i will gladly help out with the scholarship. it's been days, yet the pain is still present. i haven't had the closure. we take for granted coming home and seeing the faces of people we have known throughout life. as for sari... you sorry excuse of a human being! why don't you do the world a favor and be a good mother by bringing his children home. instead of running! i never could stand your ass. no one can. it doesn't matter where you run. florida, colorado, wherever you go. someone will always know where you are. go back to sharon and face what you've caused!
to anyone that wants to talk my cell is 253-576-6955... remember it is 3 hours earlier here than over there. i will home around the 24th of next month. 1

Unreall / Aaron H. (Homie)
Bobbo man,  Im still here and i need you around now more then ever, I see everyone with a companion or small group to talk about how they feel about everything that has happened.  But you where my companion and I have so many things to tell you and I need you to help me out by finding the right answer.  im lost in life.  Over the last month everything has changed and will never be the same,  And it seems I have so much hate in my heart for those that are being selfish and only thinking about what they had lost and pointing the blame.  now i know if you were here, thAT shit would not fly. but dont worry,  I know what you would say....
Over / Kev Fansler (Friend)

Tears have gone, and reality set in. You are gone. Wow. The valley that we grew up in and call "home" is a very strange place. People will be people, and animosity is always present. Why? Grudges must be held. Why? This is real shit! Please, does everyone have to be a fucking tough guy?!? Quit with the bullshit people. A great man is dead over some "tough-guy" shit! I am not there to live in that hell, or grieve properly. So I really don't know what is going on in that place called Sharon. I can be sure the same old shit is going on. Get it together. Would it actually kill people to give a damn!?! Heh, I guess it would... Just very hurt and disgusted is all. Bobbo we all love you man. Always have. You never fucked no one over. Not that I can recall. Even when the rest were up to shady shit, I don't remember you ever being a part of it... Bobbo's mother raised a hell of a man. .. I take pride in being a friend of Bobby.
We will never forget.

william reed
Reasons why Bobbo will always be my homeboy.  / William Reed (Homie/schoolmate)
Bobbo never put on a front for anybody.He was always himself and he was just an all around cool person to hang out with and was always makin people laugh. I sometime have talked to John and Josh and few other family members about the loss we all have suffered with but i don't think most people really knew how upset i was when he died. I'll never forget Robert Flynn and if there is a heaven i'm sure he is there lookin down and happy that so many people love and miss him. As for the Flynn family keep your heads up cuz we will all one day be reunited. Much Love and Respect -William Reed
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